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Merhabalar Turgut bey, Android üzerinde uzun süredir bir çalışma yapmadığımdan size yardımcı olamıyorum maalesef fakat aşağıda verdim linke bir göz…
On How to read all image from sub folder of assets in android
Probably, you did not do the correct setting for the simulator, you need to allow your simulator to use your…
On Using ZXing (QR Code Scanner) in Xamarin Forms
Please try to change .net version Also , you can read this issues they take same problem
On How to connect and read data from PostgreSQL in Xamarin
Because your postgresql database stays local if you publish your postgresql database to a server there will not be a…
On How to connect and read data from PostgreSQL in Xamarin
Did you try to install a different version? please clean all project and try to install again with different version…
On How to connect and read data from PostgreSQL in Xamarin
if you use postgresql in android at your local device please change your server address to android local server which…
On How to connect and read data from PostgreSQL in Xamarin